A major gift for OCC…and the video is online!

Wade’s wife Heather, here…I am excited to announce that Operation Christmas Child will receive many more shoeboxes because of a group of employees in Tampa, Florida, who heard about Wade’s run. My father told a client of his about Wade’s effort, and she was so touched by the story that she organized a fundraiser at her company, A.D. Morgan in Tampa. They are still counting the donations, but so far they can confirm that at least $1,100 was contributed for shoeboxes and their shipping. I will have the privilege of spending this money to put together shoeboxes as this collection week draws to a close.

Also, I am very excited to announce that the video about Wade shot by the Samaritan’s Purse staff is now online. It brought tears to my eyes, and you can view it at http://www.samaritanspurse.org/MP_Article.asp?ArticleID=133.  You can play the video right from that Web page, and won’t even need to open your computer’s media player.

Thank you, Arthur, Ben and Chaz from Samaritan’s Purse, for portraying this journey in such an awesome way. We praise God for all He has done through the Run Across North Dakota, and we count ourselves very blessed to have been a part of God’s plan for needy children in this way.

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Filed under Christmas, marathon, North Dakota, Operation Christmas Child, Running, ultramarathon

Day 16: The End!!

(Finale photos now available on the photos page!)

It’s hard to believe…but the Run Across North Dakota is over!! I completed the journey of about 390 miles today in the Scheels parking lot around 11:20 a.m. About 100 people turned out in some very windy and chilly weather to cheer me across the finish line. I was accompanied along the 11-mile route from Mapleton to Fargo by several runners….some ran the whole way, while others joined in for shorter segments. I had a police escort throughout today’s run to block intersections for our safety along the way. At one point, North Dakota Congressman Earl Pomeroy took a break from a Habitat for Humanity project to run a half-mile with me in boots! I think I could have sprinted the last couple of miles because of the adrenaline rush of the last day.

The Samaritan’s Purse camera crew was there throughout the final day and they hope to have a video on their Web site later this week. Please check this blog next week for a link to see the video. I’ll also post any last-minute news from the run in an update next week.

We received about 350 shoeboxes at Scheels today, and several other people bought items in the store to donate to the shoebox effort. Several people stopped by to congratulate me and say how thankful they were for the additional publicity brought to Operation Christmas Child through this event. We have a few shoebox pledges still to post this weekend, which should push the total over 1,900 boxes…isn’t that awesome?

It’s not too late to do a shoebox! Nov. 12 through Nov. 19 is national collection week; visit my Web site www.runacrossnd.com to find the collection site nearest you. I think you will find that preparing a shoebox is really fun….several people who dropped off boxes commented how much they enjoyed shopping for a needy child.

I feel so blessed by all that God has done along this journey. Heather and I hope to plan another unique event to generate shoeboxes next year, but I am pretty confident it will not involve running across any state or swimming across any large body of water!

I am so thankful for all of the prayers you offered on my behalf…God answered them so many times, and without His help, I know I could not have completed this run. Overall, I am amazed at how good I feel, and I am looking forward to some time to rest and marvel at all God has done!!


Filed under Christmas, marathon, North Dakota, Operation Christmas Child, Running, ultramarathon

Day 15: Toughest day of all

Today has been a good, but really long day. It has been so busy that I am not even posting this blog until 10 p.m., which has been past my bedtime for most evenings of the run.

The day began with a guest appearance live in the studio of the local Christian radio station, KFNW-FM. Pastor Kirk Millitzer from Triumph Lutheran Brethren Church (the area OCC collection center) joined me for some good-natured kidding, including his announcement that I’ve decided what I will do in 2008 for Operation Christmas Child: swim from California to Hawaii!! This was just a joke! I’ll be the one laughing tomorrow when Pastor Kirk has to follow through with his committment to run a few miles with me.

Today, I ran from Buffalo to Mapleton, a tiring 23 miles. I was accompanied all day today by a camera crew from Samaritan’s Purse, the organization that runs Operation Christmas Child. Their team is shooting my story for use on their Web site and possibly in the 2008 OCC promotional video. I was accompanied on the run by two buddies, Brent and Kendall. The run was physically tough, especially the last few miles.

After the run, the camera crew came back to my home for a few hours to interview me and my wife and to get video of our family preparing shoeboxes. I also returned several run-related phone calls this evening, so you can see why I am a little worn out.

Tomorrow is the long-awaited finale at Scheels. I am looking forward to the final, 11-mile segment that will complete my Run Across North Dakota. The camera crew will be there to film it all, and I will be escorted by local law enforcement for my safety and the safety of the numerous runners expected to join me for the last part of run.

I have been feeling a little rough this evening, so please pray that God would provide everything I need to finish strong tomorrow. I am looking forward to an awesome day!


Filed under Christmas, marathon, North Dakota, Operation Christmas Child, Running, ultramarathon

Day 14: Encouraging friends

I must admit I was a little concerned about today and the next 2 days of running. Today was actually a very good day. Was it painful?? A little, but I had many people praying, and God watched over me and my running companions as well. There are a few groups that played a big part in my run today.

The fourth, fifth and sixth graders from St. Catherine’s School in Valley City prayed for me this morning. It was great to meet them and have them bless me. Also the students from Triumph Lutheran Brethren prayed for me last night on the phone. They have followed me from the beginning and have been a huge blessing. I think it is amazing how your spirit is lifted when others lift you in prayer. Another good lesson I’ve learned–the POWER of prayer.

I had 3 runners with me today- Rick, Jeanne and Kendall. They really helped me get the miles in today and were a huge blessing to me. I ran from a few miles east of Valley City to a few miles east of Tower City today. I look forward to doing my last long run tomorrow of about 23 miles. I am REALLY looking forward to Saturday! I hope to see you at Scheels if you can make it. Thanks for stopping by and thank you for your support!

God Bless You!


Filed under athletics, encouragement, Faith, marathon, North Dakota, Operation Christmas Child, Running, Training, Valley City

Day 13: Feeling the pain

I made it to Valley City today! Today was a short run, which was fine with me. I did go out and do a little bit of a second run. I am a little concerned about the next two days of 25 miles each, so today I knocked off around 6 of the miles for tomorrow.  I got to run with a dear friend from church today. It was great to have someone to pass the time with.
I am starting to see that this run is taking its toll on my body. When I first started the journey a few weeks ago, the daily run looked like this: the first 2 hours of each run were easy, hour 3 was a little tough, hour 4 was starting to get uncomfortable, hour 5 was tolerable, but I could start to feel the pain.
Today,  it looks like this:
Hour 1– body creaks and makes funny noises that I have never heard from a human body. The body sends messages to the brain stating, “Are you crazy!! We are not doing this again! We’re old! Stop already, baldy!”
Hour 2– Body asks, “Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet?  Are we there yet???”
Hour 3– blood stops flowing to non-vital areas of the body–basically everything from the waist up. Running looks more like seizure activity.
Hour 4– Basically start seeing all signs of imminent death- irregular breathing, drooling, hearing voices, and a very large bright light straight ahead.
Hour 5– Just pain….wishing I was back at hour 4.   

Seriously…I am very blessed, and I will make it! Tomorrow I will be giving a presentation at St. Catherines School. Please keep this and my body in your prayers.
I can’t wait to see everyone at Scheels or when I get back! God’s peace and blessings to all of you reading this.


Filed under athletics, Christmas, humor, North Dakota, Operation Christmas Child, Running, ultramarathon, Valley City

Day 12: Do you need a ride?

(New photos posted today on blog photo page) 

“Do you need a ride…or are you kind of jogging?” That’s the question a man in a pickup truck pulled over to ask me today as I ran from Jamestown to Sanborn. In fact, a total of three people stopped to ask if I needed a ride…that’s a one-day record for me and a nice reminder of the kindness of strangers.

My day began with a presentation to the Barnes County Ministerial Association. Before my talk, the group heard a speech on the stages of dying. When I got up to speak, I mentioned I think I have experienced all the stages during this run! That got a good laugh from the crowd.

Along my route, I got a surprise visit from a camera crew from KVLY-TV. I will be featured in a story on Tuesday’s 10 p.m. news on their station.

I ran about 20 miles today, with the last two hours becoming physically tough. My endurance seems to be deteriorating in the latter part of my daily runs, so I would appreciate your prayers for that. I know it could make the last few days of this journey very tough, but I am determined to finish the race marked out for me.  (Hebrews 12:1-2)


Filed under athletics, Jamestown, marathon, North Dakota, Operation Christmas Child, Running, ultramarathon, Valley City

Brrr…a great day to rest!

Today, I enjoyed the one rest day built into my Run Across North Dakota schedule.
It certainly seemed like divine timing, because today was the most wintery weather I’ve seen since the run began. In Fargo, it was in the 30s with winds up to 40 mph and snow flurries. I was very grateful to be indoors today.

I enjoyed a nice, hour-long massage today to try to work out some of the tightness in my hamstrings and calves. I also took time to drive the route for the last day of the run. Once it is approved by local police, we will be posting information on the blog about how those wishing to run part or all of the last day can participate.

There’s one exciting bit of news to report: Samaritan’s Purse, the parent organization for Operation Christmas Child, is sending a video crew to film the journey of the run across ND. An edited piece will be placed on the Samaritan’s Purse Web site and some of the footage may also be used in the official 2008 OCC promotional DVD. I am honored that the organization thinks this story is one worthy of sharing with the nation! I think they are moved with the response from everyone across this great state.

Tomorrow morning, I have a speaking engagement before resuming the run where I left off in Jamestown, North Dakota. If you are interested in running with me Wednesday, Thursday or Friday (which will include the Sanborn, Valley City and Buffalo areas), please e-mail me at wwmitzel@hotmail.com with your contact information so we can discuss the details.

I hope everyone had a great Monday…I sure did!


Filed under Christmas, Jamestown, marathon, North Dakota, Operation Christmas Child, Running, ultramarathon

Day 11: Starting at 4:50 am and 28 degrees

(Numerous new photos posted today on Photos page) 

So that whole “set your clock back” thing? Yeah, we forgot about that. We had planned to get up at 4:30 am so I could start running by 6, but it turns out we actually got up at 3:30 am, and by the time we realized it, we figured we might as well just finishgetting dressed and hit the road. We let the boys sleep in, and Heather and I went out to Windsor, North Dakota to start the day. Windsor is a pretty small town; the only business we saw was a liquor store/gas station by the interstate. We drove a couple of miles off the exit to begin my run, and there was nothing out there. It was so dark that Heather had to follow very closely behind me on the gravel road with the brights on just so I could see where I was running. I got started at 4:50 am with a temperature of 28 degrees under starry skies.

Most of today’s run was in the dark; even the farm dogs were still sleeping, thankfully, so none came out to greet me. We got to see a beautiful dawn break and its pink/gold colors served as a backdrop for a cross that was off to the side of the road. It was still too dark to see what the cross was for, but we guessed maybe it was a rural cemetery.

Later, as we had more light, we ran by a farm where sheep and donkeys were outdoors in a large enclosure. They all stopped and just stared at us. They seemed to be thinking “What is the crazy man in the neon clothing doing out in the middle of nowhere at this hour of the morning? Doesn’t he know there was a time change and that it’s cold out here?”

The last couple of miles of running brought me into the city of Jamestown, where we have been staying this weekend. I am right on track with my route plan, and it’s great to look at the schedule and see the 30-mile days are all behind me. I was able to avoid actually running that distance by getting ahead in the beginning of the run. Today I ran about 16 miles and was back at my hotel by 8 a.m.

After the run and some breakfast, we took a brief nap before heading to Victory Lutheran Brethren Church and Immanuel Lutheran Church, where I spoke about Operation Christmas Child. Immanuel already had plans to participate, but Victory did not. After my remarks, Pastor Shaun there asked the congregation how many folks would commit to preparing a shoebox, and about 20 people raised their hands! I would like to thank both churches for giving me the opportunity to encouarge their members to prepare shoeboxes.

I am back at home now because Monday, Nov. 5 is my long-awaited rest day! I will hit the road again on Tuesday morning for the last few days of my run. Please pray that God would use the 48-hour break from running to refresh my body for the last few days of my journey toward the finish line.

Have a great Monday!


Filed under athletics, Christmas, Church, Jamestown, Lutheran, marathon, North Dakota, Operation Christmas Child, Running, ultramarathon

Day 10: Dead ends and entertainment for the road

Today began in Tappen, North Dakota along Highway 10 with my wife driving the support vehicle and my two sons, Luke and Jake, along for the ride. After about an hour of running, we encountered a dead end that was passable on foot but questionable by vehicle, so my family took a huge detour and finally tracked me down about 40 minutes later. Later, in the town of Cleveland, I encountered another dead end that required us to drive a bit before picking up the run on a different road that paralled Interstate 94.

After about four hours of running, my mom and stepdad, Arlene and Gary, met up with us and took the boys to lunch. Before that, though, 14-year-old Jake had plenty to say throughout the morning in the van with Heather, including:

  • Can I get out of the minivan and chase a pheasant if we see one?
  • Wondering why the people in Montpelier, ND had to steal their town’s name from the state capitol of Vermont instead of coming up  with one of their own
  • Asking if he could get out of the van to check out a large rock in a farmer’s field after mistaking the rock for a pheasant
  • Commenting that the lengthy detour was much more exciting than following behind dad as he ran
  • Explaining that the big dirt mounds that support the train tracks were put there in the old days so the trains could save energy by not having to navigate hills and valleys in the area
  • Expressing a desire to operate all buttons with which the minivan is equipped
  • Asking if there is a difference between an aquifer and a spring
  • Singing to his dad even when I was out of earshot

The boys took turn keeping me company as I took walking breaks for five minutes every half hour, and we got to have some nice talks along the way. The area I ran in today was also marked by numerous lakes, so it made for some lovely scenery. 

I ran about 21 miles today and will pick up the run tomorrow outside of Windsor, North Dakota. We are thankful that it is the weekend to turn our clocks back an hour, because we will have to get up really early to get my running in before my speaking engagements at Victory Lutheran and Immanuel Lutheran in Jamestown.

I am still experiencing a lot of tightness in my legs and near my knee, so I would appreciate your prayers for that. It is hard to believe I have already been running for 10 days!


Filed under 1, athletics, Christmas, humor, Jamestown, Kentucky, marathon, North Dakota, Operation Christmas Child, Running, ultramarathon

Day 9: 200 miles down, toughest ones ahead

It’s hard to believe this 41-year-old body has made it this far. I am starting to feel the physical impacts of 20+ mile days a little more. My hamstrings feel more like guitar strings, and today’s 25 miles really wiped me out. A nice nap perked me up, though, before my wife and sons arrived this evening. It was a great lift to my spirits to see them! We got to enjoy a meal in Jamestown, ND with some friends.

Today, I appeciated the company of my friend Brent and Seth, the young man who ran with me Saturday in Dickinson–his mom and dad let him stop and run a couple of miles with me as their family traveled to Minneapolis today. The miles seem a little shorter when you have running partners to keep you company.

I made it to the town of Tappen today ( in 2 runs) and have two extra-long runs planned for Saturday and Sunday. Please pray that God would give me energy for these and continue to protect me from injury. As I look at the one week that remains, I know I am facing the toughest part of my journey. Several folks who’ve submitted blog comments have pointed me to Philippians 4:13–“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. ” I am truly relying on God’s strength for the 175 to 190 miles that remain.

People have asked me, “why North Dakota and why Operation Christmas Child?”. As I look at all the support, prayers, and comments on this site, I think it is pretty easy to see why. I truly feel this has been a journey of many and not just one guy. Thank you all!


Filed under Dickinson, Jamestown, marathon, North Dakota, Operation Christmas Child, Running, ultramarathon